How to Get Free Leads for My Business

Generating leads is essential for businesses of all sizes. While you can pay for someone else to find business sale leads for you, you can also avoid this extra expense altogether while enjoying the benefits that an online leads generator offers.

Ready to find out “how to get free leads for my business”? Then you’ve come to the right place. We’re sharing our top strategies for how to get sales leads for free. You can try all of these ideas for either free B2C or B2B leads, all without paying for an online lead generator. 

It Starts with a Website

If you want to learn how to get free leads online, you must understand that your online presence plays an essential role. You can generate as many leads as you like, but if you don’t have a website to direct them to, you’ll reach a dead-end and lose your potential customers.

The first step of this process is always launching a website that you can create yourself using website-building platforms. You can also pay for web design services to get the best version of your website up and running as soon as possible. 

Your website is a reflection of your business, so make sure your free leads are greeted by organized web pages and multiple CTA opportunities.

How To Bring Traffic to That Website For a Small Business 

Now that you have a website, you’re wondering, “how do I direct free leads to it?” That’s where local SEO comes in. These are tactics you use to boost your rankings on Google and encourage potential customers to visit your brand’s website, not a competitor’s. 

For example, if you own a hair salon, you may only receive customers who have walked past your salon before or heard about your business through word-of-mouth. But there is always someone a mile away who is unaware of your business. 

Use local SEO to boost your ranking on Google and entice them to visit your shop instead. They’ll see your business high on the search results and be more likely to schedule a visit after checking out your site.

Keep Them On Your Website 

You have some traffic from your local SEO work. Now it’s time to convert your free leads. Keeping them on your website is the only way to get business sales leads to explore and invest time in your brand. The sooner they click away, the less likely they will convert.

We recommend you use opt-in forms or pop-up windows to engage your website traffic. Use these opportunities to advertise a special deal or promote free digital content, like an eBook, video, or valuable advice if they subscribe to your mailing list.

Start a Blog That Makes Sense 

Starting a blog is beneficial for many reasons. It not only shares information about your services with business sales leads but also improves your local SEO. 

When you use your blog correctly, you can optimize your search results by using the best keywords and posting high-quality content regularly. When people see that you consistently offer highly valuable information about your niche, they’ll view you as an authority source and trust your perspective. As a result, you can expect a greater chance that they’ll check out the rest of your site and see what else you offer.

And Then There Is Google My Business

Chances are, you have probably searched for businesses online before. When you do, you’ll see key information about the business on the side of the search page. It typically includes a link to the website, phone number, business hours, and more. 

This tool is Google My Business, and you can directly optimize this tool to connect with customers and easily share essential information about your business. This tool also helps you easily update important information, like changed business hours, and build citations on local directories. 

The Unwritten Ways 

Start a Referral Program

People love to share their good experiences. The free leads will pour in when you incentivize your customers to share their positive feedback about your business! Start a referral program that rewards customers who recommend your business to friends and family. 

In fact, you can even become eligible for the Instinct Marketing referral program when you become a VIP client of ours. Just let us know, so we can get you started! 

Ask for the Review

A great website is one way to give a good impression, but there is more to building your brand’s reputation online. Reviews signal to your small business leads that you are trustworthy, which is key to knowing how to get sales leads for free. 

You can ask for leads informally or even build, asking for a review of the purchasing process. You may even incentivize customers to give good reviews by offering future discount specials.  

Keep Your Website Simple

A block of endless text to scroll through is not the best way to approach how to get free leads for your business. Users will be overwhelmed trying to read and click through to find the key information they want. After all, you may only have 15 seconds to convert business sales leads anyway.

We always recommend a simple site with key information, inviting graphics, and clear contact information. This way, your small business leads spend less time reading and more time actually contacting your business. 

Host a Webinar

Consider displaying your expertise in your niche and launch webinar videos.  It is also a low-cost way for how to get free leads for your business. You may also consider posting your own YouTube videos, which educate viewers on informational topics and show off your business headquarters. 

Just like blogs, webinars, and video content help you appear to be the authority and establish trust with leads. However, this is a unique opportunity to show off your personality. Customers love to form connections with brands and business owners, so make this process easier for them by stepping in front of the camera.

Use Your Social Media

Wondering, “what’s the simplest way to get free leads for my business?” The answer lies in a tool you use every day: your phone. 

Social media is a way to connect with your current customers and free leads. Free leads can quickly “follow” your page and see why your business is the best option for them! Apps like Instagram make it easy to link to landing pages designed to draw customers in and guide them to checkout. 

If you’re looking for inspiration, we recommend you follow the Instinct Marketing Instagram page for ideas on how to best utilize your social media pages.

It’s free to use social media, so don’t waste the opportunity!

Utilize Your Analytics

Once you’ve done all of these tactics for how to get free leads online, there’s only one thing left to do. You have to make sure your free leads tactics are working. 

When you track analytics such as visitor demographics, how long they stay on your site and on which pages, and conversion rates, you can better understand where to improve. 

Good Luck!

We hope that these tips are helpful for you in understanding how to get sales leads for free. These are great places to start for any small business looking for free B2B leads or B2C leads. And you shouldn’t ever have to resort to paying for an online lead generator. 

If you’re still struggling with how to get free leads online, contact our team at Instinct Marketing. Our team has experience generating business sales leads that become loyal customers. 


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